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Tuesday, January 26

Do THIS When You're Suddenly Single

Right now it's not easy just to brush off, pick up, and move on.

But you can't change the fact she dumped you, or you broke it off with her and then changed your mind. Right now, you have to deal with it. And may I add...as best you can!

She will hope you will try and move on. Actually, she will want you to. It will be easier on her. This doesn't mean you have to hook up with someone else. What this means is that you still have a life. You still go out with your friends. Trust me, she will NOT forget about you overnight.

If anything, you will be MORE appealing to her come reconciliation time, when you try and get her back with a different attitude.

You don't want to walk around the house sulking in your PJ's. This will do NOTHING for you to try and win her back.

You will want to continue your life, and if you lost yours in the process - create a new one.

Continue your hobbies and interests. Start new ones. Get back together with old friends. Meet new ones. Take on new work projects of interest. Try dating.

Yes, I said it...

Try dating.

Meet new women as friends.

It's not about making her jealous. That will eventually back-fire on you.

Creating a 'new life' is what it's all about.

By meeting new people, you will learn what it is you want for yourself.
You will discover what it is that you didn't get from your ex, but you wanted.
It may solidify that it is really HER that you want, rather than a bruised EGO or the IDEA of her.

So get out there and have some fun. Will ya?!

Be genuine with the women you meet. Be honest that you recently went through a break-up and are looking for new friends. Spare the gory details! No one wants to be your relationship counselor. Save that for therapy, if needed.
When you're on an Internet dating site, you can select 'friendship' as what you are looking for. Also, you can 'hide' your picture, if you don't want the public or your ex to see. I have another blog called Internet Dating Advice for Men to help you out with online dating.

It's worth a shot to try online dating. You can't feel worse rejection than the one you are dealing with right now. Besides, it will feel good to know that you are STILL desired by women. You won't know this unless you get out there.

It's not just time that heals wounds, it's EFFORT on your part.

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